Stock Market
Forecasting & Trading AI
Delivered to your inbox

Based on Options Data
Powered by Intelligible Deep Learning models

Forecasting the Market
PredictoAI uses complex signals and Options data. We maintain 15-days ahead models per stock.
Generating Trades
Daily based on latest PredictoAI forecasts. Results over time are used to rank our models.
Connect your trading account and start placing hedged short-term trades, either with a Paper or Live trading account.
Daily Briefing
Receive latest market forecasts & insights in your inbox. It takes 1' to catch up daily.
Tracking S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100
Forecasting all S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100 Companies and growing.
How it works
Predicto consumes raw data from a diverse list of data sources. Our models generate short-term forecasts and trades. By monitoring our models' recent performance, we filter those trades daily. Our AI market insights are delivered to your inbox daily or on your request. Everything automated.
Note: This is a simplified version and actual process might differ per model. Please read our disclaimer and blog for more information.
Market Signals
Our Outlook Signals are based on the combined forecasting Power of hundreds of Deep Learning models.
Intelligible AI
Our Deep Learning Forecasts can be explained. Identify high impact factors for every prediction and pinpoint to the exact time periods of influence.
Continuous Integration & Experimentation
Using, our No-Code AI Forecasting Platform, to capture latest market information.
We offer Python & Alpaca support
Latest Forecasts and Trade Picks are available daily for programmatic access via Python Library. Easy integration with Alpaca. Code and Jupyter Notebooks available in our GitHub repo
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Private Beta

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  • Subscribe to AI models trades
  • Trading Automation
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